10 Rules To Make Your Long Distance Relationship Work
Relationship Advice 10 Rules To Make Long Distance Relationships Work by Real Love Spells, 6 min read, 134 responses to odungaspelltemple@gmail.com, updated on Jun 26, 2019 N early everyone has been involved in a long distance relationship at some point in their life. Most of us have failed to maintain it, and have inevitably broken up, even though it may have been a promising relationship. Why is that so? What are the common reasons for breaking up in those relationships, and how can you make them work? To begin with, I was there myself. A good friend of mine gave my e-mail address to his wife's best friend. Shortly after that, she dropped me a line. So we got to know each other. By e-mail. The great thing about e-mail communication is that there are no games. At least there shouldn't be. You can present yourself as the person you are. You can truly open up. So we fell in love just for the people we were....